Friday, May 20, 2011

Next Step

"Change starts when someone sees the next step."
- William Drayton

So much about this week has been about questioning the next step...I have heard it from others, and the echoes have also resonated for me. My conclusion is that we simply begin. It is important to be brave enough to take what seems like a pretty good next step, and then check it out... if it does not work out well, at least you know that it isn't really the next step that is good for you at this time (which is nice because then you are no longer left guessing - or worse, regretting that you never tried). Either way, it helps you get on with "the next step" to the upward climb... the sky is the limit...

Wishing you the courage to simply begin...and to be grateful for God's supporting breeze of grace...
"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works.
You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it.
Then you do something else.
The trick is the doing something else."
- Leonardo da Vinci


kiki said...

You are so right, the trick is in giving yourself the tricky thoughts to do something else.
this week for the first time I walked up the two flights of stairs with classmates outside the educational building. For some this is not a difficult task, but for me I have been struggling to take stairs for 8 years, but this week I walked with others and normally. I did it because I decided to put myself to the task to change. Thank you for your words. Those stairs in your photos look possible to me now.Love you.

karen - Simply Inspired said...

bravo, kiki...well done!!! happy next steps and love to you. xok.

Anyes said...

It is so interesting to find that you too are looking into finding the next step, or wondering if continuing on this path is going to be good.
It seems to be where I am at right now.,
I love it by can't help being scared.
So I'll follow your step at a time.
Thank you Karen :-)

beth said...

i think we've been in the same class this week as i too have been doing lots of questioning......but baby steps are always good. always.

Birdie said...

Karen, life always puts us through the tests isn't it? ... and so with faith and hope we bravely take the next step ... I think the important thing is to remember that everything is all right no matter what ... sending lots of love your way and wishing you that the next step is easy for you!

Lee said...

Wise and inspiring words, Karen. Thank you.

About Me

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I have always been inspired by my Grandfather's particular generosity and encouragement, along with his love for others and nature. His spirit lives on, and the influence is quietly with me as I write and share. This is my small offering that I pray will bless others and allow them to become Simply Inspired. warmly, karen -xok.

Each day provides its own gifts.

- Marcus Aurelius

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Unless otherwise indicated, the photos and writings are by Karen Holmes. You may link; however, the material on this blog is copyrighted and requires consent for duplication. For permission to use information from this site, please contact Karen Holmes via email. Thank you for your consideration.